Stock Market Technical Analysis Part -1
Stock Market Technical Analysis Part -1 Stock Market Technical Analysis Part -1 Technical analysis is the foundation of the share market without knowledge of it would be foolish to jump into the stock market, by the way, let me tell you that I will not give you complete knowledge in this post, it means that I will give you all that stuff, I will tell what you need before entering the share market Because it will take you 2 to 3 years to get complete knowledge, and if you go to the market with this much knowledge, then as you get older, you will automatically get knowledge and then you wont need me or any expert. My this post name is Stock Market Technical Analysis Part -1, because this is first post regarding Technical Analysis & Part - 2 & Part - 3 will be published soon. So lets start to gain knowledge... There are two types of people in the market, one who trades daily and after taking profit, next day finds new stock for trade and...